G-omg pierre reminds me of my first bf kenneth the sweetest thing u will ever meet in ur whole life and my first bf had the
same hair cut,also pierre continues to get older but no matter how old he gets he will still continue to have his good looks!
w-pierre said his fashion taste was as sharp as a razor blade lol thats funny but we all have our fashion mistakes in
life like when i was younger i had the ugliest clothes buts thats bcuz i picked them out and now my mom does so i have cutter
clothes its funny how we look at pictures and say what was i thinking

G- thats kool that jeff had long hair,but i think jeff looks great with no hair lol who agrees anyways jeff is so sweet and
hes like everything u want in a guy he plays the guitar for crying out loud
w-i so agree with gabby he looks better with no hair but yeah and thats kool he plays guitar
G-omd (oh my david) david u r so adorable and sweet thats hair cut is so freaking amazing hopefully u and whitney will
live happily ever after lol jk
W-omg david u r so freaking gorgeous will u marry me lol omg how flipping kool i remember when tory went 2 canada
and she went 2 ur mcdonalds lol

g-omg sebby and chuck u guys have great smiles.pierre ur expressions always make me laugh
w-u guys rox my sox

omg how cute pierre nice butt lol