David on Sebastien:
Ya know, Sebastien is the sweet one. You cannot not like him.
David on Pierre:
This guy will do anything for a party he is the... I think he definately is the party animal. He's just like a really uhh...
I dunno. He's just really happy and he knows how to have fun. That I can tell you.
David on Chuck: Let's
talk about Chuck... Chuck will totally do everything for his band. I know he's gonna answer his phone at three in the morning
and that will be ya know, he will totally be willing to help me and to see ya know to do everything he's got in his power
to either fix the problem or make it easier.
Chuck on David: I
think the coolest thing about David is that this guy will do anything to make us laugh and to make everybody around laugh.
He doesn't care if you don't know him, if you've never met him before or what not, he just wants to make people laugh and
make them happy. And I truly admire how he can entertain himself and other people with nothing at all. I think it made our
tours a lot more fun to have him around ya know, like f***ing s*** up and throwing his bass on stage and just being
a total idiot!
Seb on David: All
he does all the time is say jokes and he does nothing else but say jokes and he does nothing else but make me laugh. Like
if we're on stage together he starts spitting on ya know, Pierre or like throws pics at my head or like ya know if we're offstage.
Oh dude, David's got the worst jokes ever but it's always good to have something to laugh about. If it's the fact that it's
bad, then it's still good. David's just a goofball, total idiot type person that likes to make people laugh.
Jeff on David: He's
really ADD! PlusI think that's the beauty of his personality, ya know. He sees something and he runs after it. He sees something
else and he moves on, ya know. He can't concentrate for more than 3 seconds at a time. You'll get pranked always at the end
and in the middle you'll be like, 'Who's that?' then eventually you'll realize, 'It's David!'
Pierre on David:
He's always the prankster. Trying to make people laugh and like... he's just always pulling pranks on people and like... doing
stupid stuff to just always make me laugh.