Name: Pierre Charles Bouvier Birthday:
May 9th, 1979 Height: 5'11 Current hair color: black Siblings:
Two Brothers, Jay & Jonathan Birth Place: Montreal Piercing:
None Tattoos: One on his leg. Sport To Watch: Football Favorite Number:
9 Restaurant: Taco Bell Color: Blue & Black Clothing Line:
Role Model Food: Sushi Bands: The Beach Boys, New Found Glory, Blink-182, Good Charlotte,
AFI Movie: American Beauty, The Matrix, Back To The Future TV Show: Friends Book:
Harry Potter 1-4, 1984 by George Orwell Video Game: Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Actor/Actress:
Jim Carey, Julia Roberts Boy Band: Backstreet Boys Superhero: Wolverine Boxers
or briefs: Boxers Hugs Or Kisses: Kisses Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream:
Chocolate Vanilla Twist E-mail or Phone: E-Mail Phrase: F*ck Yeah Pets:
Four dogs & One fish Ultimate Place To Live: Somewhere hot on the beach with big waves Guilty
Pleasure: Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream Previous Job: barbecue chicken
restaurant cook