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Name: Patrick Joseph Cunningham (a.k.a Pat) or in the DVD it says Patrick Langlois Role
in Simple Plan: Web/Merch guy Age: 24 Height: 5'9" Random Questions: 1.
Favorite boxer print (or whatever you normally wear): plaid 2. Favorite animal:
dog 3. Siblings & ages/names: 2 sisters, 2 brothers 4. Do you consider yourself good looking?:
when I’m sitting next to chuck, yes. 5. Top 3 cds if stuck on a desert island: blink182
enema, bad astronaut houston, blink 182 take off your pants 6. Which member of sp would you wanna trade places
with if you could? Why?: none, I like my station in life 7. Two annoying habits of each
member: none 8. What was the last thing you purchased?: vodka 9. Favorite shoe brand:
macbeth 10. Favorite candy?: werthers 11. Pepsi or Coke?:
gatorade 12. Wildest thing a fan (or fans) have done during your performance (to try to get your attention)?:
flashed 13. Coolest band to hang out with?: BFS 14. Do you drink coffee?:
no 15. Favorite fruit?: raspeberries
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